Spasticity Academy 2022
Dear colleagues,
on behalf of the scientific committee it is my great pleasure to welcome all of you to the basic course in Spasticity Academy which will be held in Brno on May 12th – 13th 2022 in Czech Republic.
This educational symposium is held under the auspices of academic centers
from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. Spasticity Academy was
designed to update the knowledge a variety of experts from the Central European
region, who take care of patients with spasticity.
The objective of this meeting is to create a platform for communication and
bring together young doctors from universities, academic neurological clinical
centers in order to deepen their knowledge of recent advancements in the
neurologic area, stimulate better cooperation, discuss the hottest topics and
share information about the diagnosis and management of spasticity in Central
The two-day event will bring together the foremost experts in spasticity to present and teach data on multiple topics. Country specific controversies in diagnosis and management will be analyzed during panel discussions after each presentation.
As participants, you will be the final judges, whether the post-graduate school was successful and if this kind of educational format helped you to acquire the latest scientific information, share your experience and gave you the possibility to ask your questions and share your ideas.
Our thanks go to the many people involved in the meeting’s organization, to the scientific board and the speakers, organizing committee and all the supporting functions. Thank you for participating in this meeting and I hope you will enjoy these two days, find new contacts from different cultures and regions and thus expand your professional network, exchange best practices, knowledge and cooperation.
I look forward to a memorable scientific meeting.
Welcome to Brno.
assoc. prof. Marek Balaz, MD, PhD.